
December 28, 2018 is a date scorched in memory. The family was excited for this much awaited post-Christmas Hawaiian vacation. Our itinerary was full and our crew of six was determined to check all.

In a five hour kayak tour, my 70+ year old husband, Walter, and I proved that we were not just young at heart but also in vigor and stamina. We stayed steady and resilient jabbing against the flowing river to reach where we could trek knee-high mud through a lush jungle.

Tour guide Shawn gave this mature couple special attention as he doubted our endurance to complete the excursion. We passed the test. Our reward was a refreshing dip in a water hole dredged by the forceful plunge of the Secret Falls.

———————————————————————————————–The Secret Falls in Kauai——————————————————————————-

Daughter Bianca and grandson Justin ziplined through thickets from old growth, fearless in pursuit while boosting kindred ties between the mother-son daredevils. Logan, my other grandson, was amused by the rambutan. He delighted in peeling the thick spiky skin to devour the translucent juicy meat from a fruit that could pass in the dark as a curious small pet. We welcomed 2019, gasping “oohs” and “ahhs” as flashes of light and sparkles of color glazed the tropical heavens.

————————Justin zipping through the sky——————–

It was a happy ending to a life changing event that occurred on our first day on the island. There was excitement to splash in the salty tide. The waves were choppy but normal for Kauai’s North Beach area. It was a few days into the government shutdown and the public sign was clear in its message – “No Lifeguard” and a stick figure swimming inside a circle with a slash through it.

I was mindful of surroundings as I watched Logan collect shells and pile sand while glancing occasionally at Justin who was swimming near his granddaddy. I shuddered in dread when I lost sight of them. I rushed to where sand met surf placing hands over brows to shield the glare of glistening waves to see yonder while calling out their names. The moment felt like a lifetime as I stared helpless at the coastline while, in the quiet of my mind, I whispered “God, please”.

Justin stayed near his granddaddy just as instructed. Walter thought he was close to shore as Justin was nearby; oblivious that he was swimming farther and farther away pulled by the dangerous undercurrent. In a flash, Walter saw the fear in Justin’s eyes as he said “granddaddy, can I ride your back?”

Borne on Walter’s back, Justin repeatedly screamed “help” while periodically asking “granddaddy, are you okay?” As he fought fatigue trying to swim back to shore, Walter continued to assure him. Yet, fearful thoughts raced through his mind from “save your breath, nobody will hear you”, to “my grandson is drowning”, to “oh my God, we will both die” when a giant wall of water entombed them. Justin struggled to breathe as he gulped pungent brine. In the midst of chaos, he heard voices and saw visions of men in white; and his thoughts drifted in solace of the afterlife.

———————————Walter and Justin having fun a day after the near tragic event———————-

Through the great expanse of the Hanalei beach, Justin’s plea for help drifted over wind and wild waters to two Canadian surfers in white body glove tops floating aimlessly on the lookout for a ripple to ride. I revel in gratitude to an omnipotent God whose hand was moved by my faintest of prayer to cause the miracle of the gentle breeze.

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